Bryt Energy’s renewable product certified

Shannon Berridge - Digital Marketing Executive
| 04th November 2019 | Energy Renewables Sustainability
Here at Bryt Energy, we are pleased to announce that our zero carbon, 100% renewable electricity supply product has once again been assessed, verified and assured by an independent third party, to give our customers the confidence they require when reporting their carbon emissions.

The audit was undertaken by EcoAct, who verified our supply product against the ‘Quality Criteria of the GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance (2015)’ and assured that our customers could report the electricity they purchase as zero carbon. 


EcoAct is an international advisory consultancy and project developer that works with clients to help them succeed in their climate ambitions. They believe that climate change, energy management and sustainability are drivers of corporate performance and they help to address business problems and opportunities in an intelligent way. Learn more at


Mark Chadwick, CEO of EcoAct, says: “By independently verifying and assuring its product as 100% renewable and backed by guarantees of origin, Bryt Energy gives its customers confidence that the electricity they purchase is zero carbon. This provides clients with the proof they need to report zero emissions as part of their environmental strategies.”  


EcoAct reviewed and tested the design, implementation and operation of our zero carbon, 100% renewable electricity product. From the design and marketing to the sales and operational systems, EcoAct studied our processes and visited our site to meet the team involved.  


The audit also involved evaluating our GoO (Guarantees of Origin) and REGO (Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin) balance for the Fuel Mix Disclosure period of 1st April 2018 – 31st March 2019. These are certificates which prove that we purchase electricity produced from renewable sources, as defined by Ofgem, on behalf of our customers.


After a rigorous assessment, EcoAct confirmed that our product is exactly what we say it is – zero carbon, 100% renewable electricity, sourced solely from our wind, hydro and solar portfolio. 


Chairman of Bryt Energy, Dave Cave, commented: “The mission to become zero carbon is becoming more important to businesses, as changes in legislation encourage us all to be more transparent with our Fuel Mix. Bryt Energy’s customers are one step ahead, as they continue to work with a pioneering, trusted and certified energy supplier.” 


If you’re a customer of ours, EcoAct’s Assurance Statement and Stamp allow you to report your related electricity consumption as zero carbon, with confidence. 


It reinforces our trusted and transparent relationship with our customers – doing the basics brilliantly at the highest of ethical standards. 


To learn more about our EcoAct audit and how it benefits your business, please contact us at or on 0330 053 8620. 

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