Pure Cash Out

Take ownership of your electricity profile. With our Pure Flex Cash Out electricity supply product, manage your consumption forecast against half-hourly market prices and take advantage of a more market reflective price*.


suit your business

check-uncheck Contracts to suit your business needs, with lengths of up to five years and the ability to add or remove sites and sleeve Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs)*.
check-uncheck Choose to pay third party charges at cost+, or fix charges ahead of delivery.
check-uncheck Choose the purchasing index right for your business.

Spread purchases

check-uncheck Spread electricity purchases instead of locking everything in at signature.

No shape & imbalance fees

check-uncheck No shape and imbalance fees – manage usage in line with changing market prices to determine the cost of your electricity.


For businesses that want to be more engaged with their electricity consumption, Pure Flex Cash Out can give a route to market that maximises your flexibility. You’ll avoid the need for shape fees by managing the difference between actual consumption and traded volume through a chosen purchasing index, and you’ll retain the ability to purchase volume in advance of delivery, allowing you to buy electricity in line with your business strategy.

With no volume tolerance clauses, you take control of your electricity usage, so you can prepare for whatever your sustainable energy future looks like, be that efficiencies or new low carbon technology.


Choosing zero carbon, 100% renewable electricity** can bring a whole host of sustainable and reputational benefits to your business. And with our supply backed by renewable guarantee of origin certificates, report your electricity consumption (Scope 2) as zero carbon, under the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol market-based method**.


Take the next step

If you are interested in our Pure Cash Out product, call us at 0330 053 8620 or email heretohelp@brytenergy.co.uk and we will be happy to discuss which options are best for your business.

+Half-Hourly (HH) meters only

*subject to T&C’s

*Visit https://www.brytenergy.co.uk/100-renewable-electricity for information on our products and services.

In accordance with electricity suppliers’ standard licence conditions (SLC), we report our Fuel Mix Disclosure (FMD) annually – 100% of the total amount of electricity purchased for supply by Bryt Energy during the period 2023/24 was from renewable sources.