Pure Portfolio

Be part of a community of like-minded businesses and access the benefits of a flexible electricity product, whatever your volume.


spread electricity purchases

Get the option to spread your electricity purchases, instead of locking it in all in one go.

benefit from a changing market

Purchase electricity in line with your business strategy and take advantage of a changing market.

Manage volume tolerance

Manage your volume tolerance at a portfolio level and reforecast it if your consumption changes.


Our Pure Portfolio electricity supply product offers more businesses the opportunity to access the benefits of a flexible contract. By working with an expert third party and joining with other businesses, a Pure Portfolio contract makes a flexible electricity procurement strategy more widely accessible.


Choosing zero carbon, 100% renewable electricity* can bring a whole host of sustainable and reputational benefits to your business. And with our supply backed by renewable guarantee of origin certificates, report your electricity consumption (Scope 2) as zero carbon, under the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol market-based method*.


Take the next step

If you are interested in our Pure Portfolio product, call us at 0330 053 8620 or email heretohelp@brytenergy.co.uk and we will be happy to discuss which options are best for your business.

*Visit https://www.brytenergy.co.uk/100-renewable-electricity for information on our products and services.

In accordance with electricity suppliers’ standard licence conditions (SLC), we report our Fuel Mix Disclosure (FMD) annually – 100% of the total amount of electricity purchased for supply by Bryt Energy during the period 2023/24 was from renewable sources.