Smart meters are making it easier for businesses to become active participants in the UK’s journey to a net zero energy future, helping them to take control of their electricity usage all whilst supporting the development of a more advanced, more sustainable grid. With the upcoming implementation of market-wide half hourly settlement (MHHS) – which will make sure that electricity costs are calculated accurately and fairly for everyone across the market, every half an hour – smart meters will play a crucial role in preparing the UK to achieve a more energy-efficient future, faster.
That’s why, here at Bryt Energy, we’re on a mission to get all eligible customers switched on to second-generation (SMETS2) smart meters.
We know that you might have some questions around smart meters – from the compatibility of smart meters to what happens on the day of installation. So, we sat down with Yasir Choudhry, Metering and Settlements Manager at Bryt Energy, to understand some common concerns and answer important questions around smart meters for businesses.