We’re proud to announce that our 2023/24 fuel mix is zero carbon and 100% renewable*, compared to the UK average of 43.2% renewable.
Reporting evidence
Our fuel mix is the ratio of different energy sources used to generate the electricity supplied to our customers.
All UK electricity suppliers must disclose their fuel mix on an annual basis to their customers. This should also include the associated carbon emissions so that customers can accurately measure their associated carbon emissions and compare suppliers like-for-like.
The table below shows our fuel mix disclosure alongside the UK average, from April 2023 to March 2024.

Report zero carbon,
with confidence
Our supply products have been audited and verified by an independent third party, EcoAct.
They have certified that our zero carbon, 100% renewable electricity supply* is backed by Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin certificates (REGOs). This allows all of our customers to report their electricity consumption (Scope 2) as zero carbon, under the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol market-based method. To view our verification assurance statement, click here.

How it works
Like the weather, our fuel mix changes slightly each year. But you can always be sure that the electricity we supply to our customers each year is zero carbon and 100% renewable*. Sourced solely from Solar, Wind and Hydro power, there’s no Coal, Gas, Nuclear or Biomass in our mix.

why only solar,
wind and hydro?
We chose solar, wind and hydro for our fuel mix because they are all zero carbon and 100% renewable forms of energy, meaning they don’t create any carbon emissions at the point of generation and are naturally replenishing.

What electricity do you supply to businesses?
Our electricity supply product is zero carbon, 100% renewable, sourced solely from solar, wind and hydro (there’s no coal, gas or nuclear in our fuel mix) and has been audited and verified by an independent third party, EcoAct. They have certified that our supply is matched with Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin (REGO) certificates, which allows our customers to report zero carbon emissions on their Scope 2 under the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol market-based method. See our assurance statement here.
What is Bryt Energy’s fuel mix?
Our fuel mix is the ratio of different sources used to generate the electricity supplied to our customers. All UK electricity suppliers must detail their fuel mix on an annual basis to Ofgem and their customers – this is called a ‘Fuel Mix Disclosure’ or FMD. This must also include the associated carbon content so that customers can accurately measure their associated carbon emissions and compare each suppliers’ offered Fuel Mixes. Our current fuel mix can be viewed here.
Where do you buy your electricity from?
We purchase all our electricity through our parent company, Statkraft, who procure the electricity volume to match our customers’ contracted amount from the wholesale electricity market.
The removal of EU Guarantees of Origin (GoO) certificates
In 2022, the Government announced that from April 1st 2023, the UK will no longer recognise EU Guarantees of Origin (GoO) certificates. To learn more about the different types of renewable energy certificates and the potential impacts this change may bring going forward, read our blog, here.
Will the electricity physically supplied into my sites all be renewable?
No. The electricity to your business is supplied via National Grid’s transmission network and local distribution networks (not directly from a renewable generator), so you will be provided with electricity from a mix of sources that the grid is being supplied with at that time from all generators – this may include fossil fuel sources. To ensure your business can show they have procured renewable electricity, we purchase Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin (REGO) certificates, to match the electricity we supply to you. This is currently the only official method for recognising renewable electricity supply in the UK, as mandated and operated by BEIS – now known as the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero – and Ofgem. The guarantee of origin certificates prove that a quantity of renewable electricity has been generated and purchased by Bryt Energy to match your consumption volumes in a particular year.
What are renewable energy guarantee of origin certificates (REGOs)?
REGOs (Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin) are certificates issued to renewable generators per megawatt hour of renewable electricity generated. These are purchased by suppliers and demonstrate to the consumer (and Ofgem) that the equivalent of their supplied electricity in a given year came from renewable generation. Without sufficient certificates, suppliers cannot claim to be providing a renewable supply.
How does Bryt Energy buy REGOs?
We source the majority of our guarantee of origin certificates through our parent company, Statkraft, but we may also purchase elsewhere to ensure we get the best price for our customers. When we purchase guarantee of origin certificates from Statkraft they can be from Statkraft-owned renewable generation assets, Statkraft-controlled renewable generation assets in their portfolio, or fully independent 3rd party renewable energy generators. However, we always ensure that we only purchase REGOs for solar, wind and hydro electricity generation.
Can my business obtain the REGOs certificates, so I know where the electricity I have purchased has been generated from?
These certificates are held by suppliers (Bryt Energy) for fuel mix reporting purposes (rather than the customer) and are submitted to Ofgem. Currently we cannot provide our customers with the identity of specific renewable generation assets (sites) that we have purchased guarantees of origin certificates for. Therefore, we also cannot issue the specific REGOs certificates to our customers to match their supply volume, as these are held by Bryt Energy.
How does my business prove we have bought zero carbon, 100% renewable electricity?
Our supply products are evidenced through our Bryt Energy renewable contract certificates that we can provide to our customers. This certificate confirms that the customer on contract with us is being supplied with electricity that’s been sourced solely from zero carbon, 100% renewable sources, Solar, Wind and Hydro, for that contract period. The customer is therefore able to report zero carbon emissions for electricity consumption in Scope 2 under the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol market-based method. We also recommend keeping our EcoAct Assurance Statement with your Bryt Energy renewable contract certificate to show your supply has been audited and verified as zero carbon and 100% renewable. Please contact heretohelp@brytenergy.co.uk if you wish to receive your own Bryt Energy renewable contract certificate.
What is the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) protocol?
The GHG (Greenhouse Gas) Protocol is a set of internationally accepted standards of measuring and reporting emissions. The guidance categorises emissions activities into different scopes for accounting and reporting purposes.
What are the GHG scopes?
The GHG Protocol have defined three scopes of emissions which are essentially who ‘owns’ those emissions and how much control a company has to change or influence them:
- Scope 1 covers direct emissions from owned or controlled sources, like the gas used to heat a building or the fuel used in the company’s fleet of vehicles.
- Scope 2 covers indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, steam, heating and cooling consumed by the company.
- Scope 3 includes all other indirect emissions that occur in a company’s value chain, like the emissions from commuting to work, or purchased goods and services.
What is the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) protocol market-based method?
The GHG Protocol Scope 2 market-based method reflects emissions from electricity that companies have purposefully chosen to procure and report on. This differs from the GHG protocol Scope 2 location-based method, which looks at the average carbon emissions for the country of operation, which is mandatory to include on your GHG reporting. For the UK, you can find the location-based average emission factors from the Government website which are updated annually.
What are Transmission and Distribution (T&D) losses?
Transmission and distribution (T&D) losses refer to the losses that occur in the transportation of electricity between the sources of generation and the end customer. Bryt Energy purchases and retires sufficient REGOs each year to cover the electricity lost in the transmission and distribution of your electricity. This is calculated based on the annual loss factor published by the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, as part of their ‘Fuel Mix Disclosure Data Table’, and is built into our own Fuel Mix Disclosure (FMD).
A better approach to energy is within our grasp
By partnering with Bryt Energy, you can report the carbon emissions associated with your businesses’ electricity consumption as zero, based on our reported Fuel Mix Disclosure for 2022/2023.
to set up your account.
Discover the business benefits of a zero carbon electricity supply

*Bryt Energy’s supply product has been audited and verified by an independent third party, EcoAct, to guarantee that our products are backed by Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin certificates (REGOs). Bryt Energy manages these certificates to ensure that we have a sufficient amount in order to supply renewable power to all of our customers across a year, and therefore allow our customers to report zero carbon emissions under the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol Scope 2 Guidance. All source certification meets GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance Quality Criteria for market-based reporting method.
Certificates are held by energy suppliers for Fuel Mix Disclosure (FMD) purposes and Bryt Energy’s FMD represents the total amount of electricity purchased from the wholesale market to cover our portfolio of customers’ supply in given FMD year. 100% of the total amount of electricity purchased for supply by Bryt Energy during the period 2023/24 was from renewable sources. Bryt Energy purchases all electricity through our parent company, Statkraft, who procure the electricity volume to match our customers’ contracted amount from the wholesale electricity market.
Please note, all electricity to your properties is supplied via National Grid’s transmission network and local distribution networks (not directly from a renewable generator), so you will be provided with electricity from a mix of sources that the grid is being supplied with at that time from all generators – this may include fossil fuel sources.
Our full Fuel Mix Disclosure and FAQs on our products are available above. You can find our verification assurance statement here.